Written by Ivy Bates–Peer Mentor

One of the benefits of being a part of Student Support Services (SSS) is the ability to attend cultural activities. It’s always fun to go–it’s a new adventure. I have participated in several cultural activities since being a part of SSS. I have had the opportunity to go to OMSI and a nice dinner, dinner at the Monticello Hotel before returning to LCC for a play, and most recently to the Pittock Mansion and Huber’s Café in Portland. All of these trips incorporate an educational component and you learn something that you didn’t know before on every trip. You also get to be in the company of your fellow SSS members and have the chance to get to know them better. When you get to interact with your fellow SSS members you never know who you will find that you connect with, or the help someone may be able to offer you in an area of school or even life for that matter.

I have always enjoyed and looked forward to these little getaways. I find them very rewarding and always leave thankful that I was awarded the opportunity. I find it refreshing to be in the company of others who are current students who share similar struggles and triumphs, and it’s nice to be able to share experiences and talk. These trips are for us and are provided because as college students we don’t have a lot of money. SSS is trying to give us an experience that we may not have been able to have otherwise and to give us short relaxing breaks to help relieve tension from school. I strongly urge anyone who has not had the experience of an SSS cultural activity to go on one. It’s a win-win situation for everyone and you never know what you will learn, who you’ll get to know, and help you’ll find that you didn’t realize was there before.